February 29, 2024

ShriGuru Charitra and Swamy are not different

Dear Embodiments of Love, 

Sairam & Divine blessings of Shri Sai to you and your family. 

We are blessed to host 24 hours Siddha Mangala Stothram Chanting sessions on all auspicious days. Our last chanting was marking Guru Pratipada on 25th February 2024. It started at 6AM IST on 25th February and ended at 6AM IST on 26th February. 

Read experience shared by one of the participants. It proves our beloved Sripada is watching and listening to our chanting incognito.



One thing that fills me with immense excitement, akin to a child, is when Sai Anugraha announces a 24-hour chanting session of Siddha Mangala Stothram. The reason behind this surge of excitement remains a mystery to me, although perhaps it stems from the assurance that Swamy will manifest in some form. As always, I enter into it without any predetermined plan regarding the duration or slots for my chanting, especially this time as I share accommodation with six other members at home.

Before commencing, I prayed to Swamy, expressing my intention to chant with utmost devotion and requesting his divine presence in any form to reassure me. With his blessings, I began at 6 AM IST on February 25th, and coincidentally, all my roommates decided to go shopping and left 30 minutes before the start of the 24-hour chanting session. This provided me with ample space to chant with undivided focus, and as the hours passed by, I found myself deeply immersed in the practice.

After about six hours had elapsed, one of my cousins messaged me about a ShriGuru Charitra book I had given her the previous November, expressing her fear that she might have misplaced it in India. (She returned back 2 weeks before and during my chanting time this happened..!! Swamy is Omnipresence with a fact that he knows "when" along with "what"). In response, I reassured her, stating that ShriGuru Charitra and Swamy are not different, and he would guide the book back to her. Within 10 minutes, she sent me a picture of the book, having found it. Witnessing her joy, I returned to my chanting, only to realize shortly after that Swamy had indeed manifested in the form of the ShriGuru Charitra book before me (reiterating the line he made me say to my cousin) - the same book in which I had completed 108 Parayanas. What an incredible blessing it was.

With the support of Sai Anugraha Sevaks, my friends (who graciously provided me with space to chant in peace), and Swamy himself, nearly 15+ hours passed seamlessly. Throughout the chanting, Baba's image, adorned with a Kafni and his padukas, remained vivid in my mind. I silently wished to see him in that form before concluding my chant. Just then, my cousin sent me a picture of her puja mandir where Baba was seated - and to my amazement, his appearance matched the visualization in my mind, complete with the Kafni and padukas. I often wonder why Swamy pampers me so much, though I find great joy in it. 

Anything that we say thrice will become truth is the belief of Sanatana Dharma. This is why mantras such as "AUM Santhi: Santhi: Santhi:" are recited thrice. Similarly, Swamy's assurance to me was reaffirmed by the receipt of his third picture. Just to reaffirm it’s truth – the 3rd picture of him I received. During the last hour of chanting, Kishore garu shared Nirguna Paduka Picture (finally, the swamy himself!!) from his home.

As we approached the final 10-minute window of the 24-hour chanting session, I opted to chant the last hour in silence, refraining from online participation. Yet, just five minutes before the end, I felt compelled to chant as the final participant for closure. However, I hesitated, thinking it unfair given the number of participants in the queue and my intention to chant offline. 

While this is running, Kishore Garu messaged me to co-ordinate with Sevak online on how to handle last chant of 24hrs. I asked him – who would be chanting last, with a natural interest? He mentioned let’s see whom swamy calls and laughed (I am sure he has already a message from swamy).

Miraculously, the sevak called out my name at the closing moment of 6:00 AM IST, allowing me to chant (albeit not as the last recital), and I felt it as Swamy's acceptance of my 24-hour chant with fasting, as if he whispered, "I heard you".


If anyone interested to be part of Sai Anugraha and want to take part in spiritual or social service initiatives, please reach us by email id or WhatsApp mentioned in the Signature below.

Thanks & Regards,
Sai Anugraha
Family of Helping Hands & Praying Lips
Email: info@saianugraha.org
WhatsApp: +91-89399-89777

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Dear Embodiments of Love,  Sairam & Divine blessings of Shri Sai to you and your family. We are blessed to host Virtual Samuhik Sai Satc...