January 17, 2020

Baba you accepted and you are going to bless Australia with rain

Dear Sai Anugraha Family members & Guru Bandhus,

Sairam & Divine blessings of Shri Sai to you and your family.

Our beloved Sai blessed Sai Anugraha to host Daily parayan of all Sadgurus and many family members are participating. Participants can pray for self or for Samastha Loka Sukhino Bhavanthu by participating in this parayan. Please read a miracle shared by Sampath Sugandha ji in her own words how our beloved Swami answered her prayers. 


I would like to share Swamy's miracle and love to the prayer. 

Couple of days before when I was reading parayan TAPOVANAM of Sathya Sai I was thirsty and I took two green grapes and while I was putting in my mouth I prayed baba  "Baba your are Sathya Sai and mother of universe but why you are not listening to our prayer about rain to Australia. How many animals are burning. Baba please protect them all" I prayed. Baba even if it is their karma you have the power of reducing the karmas. Why you are not doing baba? Ok!! now after I finished the grapes which is in my mouth show me any signal that it will rain".

Here the miracle happened. After 5 minutes from my right side of the mouth was just watering without any reason. Then I said to baba,"ok Baba you accepted and you are going to bless Australia with rain".

I sent a message to my daughter in Australia if rain comes please call me. Yesterday she called saying Amma your prayer has been accepted and it is raining.

No words to say.

If anyone interested to join Sai Anugraha family, please click below link to join our temporary group and announce your name.


For more details, reach us by email id or WhatsApp mentioned in the Signature below.

Thanks & Regards,
Sai Anugraha
Family of Helping Hands & Praying Lips
Email: info@saianugraha.org
WhatsApp: +91-89399-89777

January 10, 2020

He is so kind that he can read our innermost thoughts

Dear Sai Anugraha Family members & Guru Bandhus,

Sairam & Divine blessings of Shri Sai to you and your family.

Read how Sai Anugraha Singapore family member Subhasree ji is blessed by taking part of Siddha Mangarala Sthothram Saptaah organised by Sai Anugraha.

I am Subhasree. 

Wanted to share a miracle of reading Siddha Mangala Sthothram. I joined Sai Anugraha family and as per the rules I started reciting Siddha Mangala Sthothram 2 times daily. Then one day someone posted his experience stating that he read 11 times in a day and from that day onwards his problems started reducing. So I felt to read 11 times each day to get divine blessings of Guru.

After reading for about a month, I started feeling it is time consuming to read 11 times as I do lot of other parayan also. That day while praying I said I will read only 2 times from now onwards as I am not getting enough time but if you grace me with a miracle within this week, I will continue to read for 11 times. And the miracle happened that week only. 

My husband was not ready for a second child and I always kept that thought inside me and only prayed God to grant us with a second child. That week I knew I was expecting again and that was unexpected as there was no chance and that happened because of Baba's blessing. Sometimes we behave like a child and ask God give me this then I will do this but He is so kind that he can read our innermost thoughts and fulfill the wishes of his devotees.

I feel how foolish of me to have said like that I will read 11 times if you show me a miracle. Forgive me for my childishness my Guru. I thank you Sreepada Sri Vallabha Swami and my Sai for blessing us enormously. May you keep showering your blessings on all of us.

Digambara Digambara Sreepada Sree vallabha Digambara

Sri Guru Sarvabhouma

Om Sai Samartha 🙏🙏

If anyone interested to join Sai Anugraha family, please click below link to join our temporary group and announce your name.


For more details, reach us by email id or WhatsApp mentioned in the Signature below.

Thanks & Regards,
Sai Anugraha
Family of Helping Hands & Praying Lips
Email: info@saianugraha.org
WhatsApp: +91-89399-89777

January 2, 2020

Test results fully normal without medication

Dear Sai Anugraha Family members & Guru Bandhus,Sairam & 

Divine blessings of Shri Sai to you and your family.

Our beloved Sai Maharaj blessed Sai Anugraha to host SriGuru Charitra Virtual Samuhik Parayan on the auspicious day of SriGuru Jayanthi on 28th December 2019.

Read below miracle shared by one of the participants (wanted to be anonymous) of SriGuru Jayanthi Parayan.

Dear Kishore ji

Om Sairam. I wish to share the miracle of Narasimha Saraswathi Jayanthi parayanam. I left from the group yesterday. That’s why I am writing through mail. Please keep my name anonymous.

6 months before due to some health issues my husband has given a sample in the hospital. It was abnormal. We were really depressed. Again he has given a sample few days later. That also was abnormal. We are shocked and do not want to go for medication. Because It will cause many side effects. I prayed Saibaba and gave  him udi  water daily. 

On 28th December, I participated in Narasimha Saraswathi Jayanthi day parayanam and prayed good wholeheartedly. The next day we went to the hospital and my husband gave his sample. Today we collected the results. It is fully normal without medication. Our baba and Dattathreya Narasimha Saraswathi totally changed the results to become normal.

I thank all the admins gave me an opportunity to participated in this parayanam. 

Baba nin Thiru padam saranam appa. 

Jai Guru Datta 🙏


If anyone interested to join Sai Anugraha family, please click below link to join our temporary group and announce your name.


For more details, reach us by email id or WhatsApp mentioned in the Signature below.

Thanks & Regards,
Sai Anugraha
Family of Helping Hands & Praying Lips
Email: info@saianugraha.org
WhatsApp: +91-89399-89777

Document, preserve, and if necessary, translate the experiences

Dear Embodiments of Love,  Sairam & Divine blessings of Shri Sai to you and your family. We are blessed to host Virtual Samuhik Sai Satc...